dialogue script with your peer

LIA CARDANI B1013171022

NILAM           = HI lia, long time no see
Lia                   = oh, hi nilam. What a suprise to see you here. How are you been
Nilam              = just fine, thanks. And you
Lia                   = I’ve been fine
Nilam              = oh yes, what where?
Lia                   = I want to go restaurant
Nilam              = can I come along
Lia                   = sure it is allowed
Nilam              = ok lia
Lia                   = what would you like to older
Nilam              = fried rice same iced tea just do not have spicy, and you
Lia                   = I oldered fried rice also drink water only
Nilam              = okay, that’s just lia
Lia                   = yes nilam
Nilam              = what is your favorite food?
Lia                   = I like to eat meatballs
Nilam              = oh, do you often eat here lia?
Lia                   = yes, I often eat here with my friend
Nilam              = oh yes
Lia                   = and you, what is your favorite food nilam?
Nilam              = I like to eat ice cream . do like it?
Lia                   = no, I don’t like nilam, my teeth are sensitive nilam hehe...
Nilam              = oh haha..
Lia                   = haha yes nilam
Nilam              = you like to walk or not lia?
Lia                   = really like nilam, and you?
Nilam              = I really like shopping and vacationing lia
Lia                   = never go whereever you go nilam?
Nilam              = I’ve been on vacation to makasar and jakarta only
Lia                   = when you are in jakarta what place you visit nilam?
Nilam              = I went to monas and to the old city
Lia                   = wahh.. seems fun
Nilam              = yah.. pretty fun lia
Lia                   = you have this holiday plan
Nilam              = yes lia
Lia                   = where?
Nilam              = to the island lemukutan
Lia                   = may I go with you nilam
Nilam              = sure it’s allowed
Lia                   = when the plan will go
Nilam              = when welcoming the new year

Lia                   = seems like a great time.


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